About This Game The story follows a certain Kazuma Saeki who is living an ordinary high school life. Surrounded by friends, especially his cute girlfriend Yukari Izumi, his school days could not be any better. However, on a bus ride back from "Alpaca Kingdom" he wakes up from a nap and finds that it's not Yukari that's sitting next to him but an alpaca. An alpaca that talks exactly like Yukari in fact... What will happen to Kazuma and his life with an alpaca? How exactly does an alpaca play the violin? What is the connection between "Alpaca Kingdom" and what happened to Yukari? b4d347fde0 Title: PacaPlusGenre: Casual, IndieDeveloper:PacoProjectPublisher:Sekai ProjectRelease Date: 30 Mar, 2017 PacaPlus Download Ubuntu It's ok i guess. This one was... weird. But fluffy, so fluffy. Also long enough to be worth the price, and easy to get 100% achievements, if that's your thing.
PacaPlus Download Ubuntu
Updated: Mar 9, 2020